Welcome and Introduction

Figure 1

Blue Carpentries hex person logo with no text.
You belong in The Carpentries!

Overview of Music Research using Web Data

Figure 1

Blue Carpentries hex person logo with no text.
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The Law and You

Figure 1

Blue Carpentries hex person logo with no text.
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Protecting Users

Figure 1

Blue Carpentries hex person logo with no text.
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Protecting You

Figure 1

Blue Carpentries hex person logo with no text.
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Inclusion and Representation

Figure 1

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Storing Data Carefully

Figure 1

Will Riker of Star Trek: The Next Generation saying "We need more than speculation, Mr. Data."
Researchers should strive to approach data collection and storage carefully!

Doing Better with Data 1: Access

Figure 1

Blue Carpentries hex person logo with no text.
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Doing Better with Data 2: Reflexivity

Figure 1

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Designing More Responsible Research

Figure 1

Blue Carpentries hex person logo with no text.
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