Overview of Music Research using Web Data

Last updated on 2024-03-14 | Edit this page



  • What research using web data is taking place in music studies?
  • Where is research on music and the internet published?


  • Examine the methods and ethics of different approaches to web data in music studies
  • Reflect on how concept of techno-optimism and field of critical data studies inform music research using internet data


This is a lesson created via The Carpentries Workbench. It is written in Pandoc-flavored Markdown for static files and R Markdown for dynamic files that can render code into output. Please refer to the Introduction to The Carpentries Workbench for full documentation.

What you need to know is that there are three sections required for a valid Carpentries lesson:

  1. questions are displayed at the beginning of the episode to prime the learner for the content.
  2. objectives are the learning objectives for an episode displayed with the questions.
  3. keypoints are displayed at the end of the episode to reinforce the objectives.

Exercise: Music Research Using Web Data

Write one possible benefit and one potential drawback of using web data in music research.

Some potential benefits: * Access to a wide range of people’s responses to music * Quickly gain research data * Minimal cost to data collection * Increase statistical power of findings * May discover patterns in big data that could not be seen otherwise

Some potential drawbacks: * Not representative dataset * May not be aware who exactly we are studying * Ethical issues around informed consent * Risk of losing context for data * May be difficult to interpret large data sets



[1] "This new lesson looks good"

Challenge 2: how do you nest solutions within challenge blocks?

You can add a line with at least three colons and a solution tag.


You can use standard markdown for static figures with the following syntax:

![optional caption that appears below the figure](figure url){alt='alt text for accessibility purposes'}

Blue Carpentries hex person logo with no text.
You belong in The Carpentries!


Callout sections can highlight information.

They are sometimes used to emphasise particularly important points but are also used in some lessons to present “asides”: content that is not central to the narrative of the lesson, e.g. by providing the answer to a commonly-asked question.


One of our episodes contains \(\LaTeX\) equations when describing how to create dynamic reports with {knitr}, so we now use mathjax to describe this:

$\alpha = \dfrac{1}{(1 - \beta)^2}$ becomes: \(\alpha = \dfrac{1}{(1 - \beta)^2}\)

Cool, right?

Key Points

  • There is a lot of published research using web data about music with a variety of established methods
  • Music and internet scholarship is interdisciplinary and can take many different forms, with a range of potential benefits and challenges
  • Researchers should be wary of the context of techno-optimism and consider work in critical data studies